Saturday, June 20, 2009

Our Life in Bins

It's funny how life can go from one extreme to another in a matter of days. For weeks we have been in high gear, overdrive, craziness, etc. getting ready for the "big move". It culminated with the "big weekend" of the dance recital and birthday party, then 2 days of the movers. Then.......nothing. Quiet. Somewhat bored. Nothing much to do really. We seem to not know what to do with ourselves. The 2 days with the movers were interesting. They sent a team of 4 people here Monday for the packing. They were really fast with the packing, and it was nice to not have to worry about that. But very strange watching other people pack up all of our belongings! Then Tuesday they sent 5 or 6 people here to load everything up on the truck. It was a huge truck! Then once they were gone we were left with a pretty-much-empty house! We have our sectional couch, which the girls are sleeping on. Then our friends let us borrow a mattress, which Michael and I are sleeping on. We also have 2 tray tables and a desk. All of our clothing is in bins. I told the kids it is like a campout (not so much!) We are all having our struggles this week, but we are getting through them. Now that we aren't busy, we have time to think about the fact that we are moving so far away. The kids are each expressing their feelings in very different ways. I think it will be easier for them once we are down there and getting settled.
The girls dance recital was beautiful. They did wonderfully in all of their dances, especially their duet (they are in their duet costume in the picture). The birthday party was great and the weather was gorgeous. It was really nice to spend the day with our friends and family. The kids loved the bounce house!
Oh and our remaining tadpoles didn't make it. They all died within a 2 day time frame. Very strange, but the way that I look at it, that's less that we have to worry about taking with us! The kids don't seem too bothered by it.
So now we are just counting down the days until we leave. It is definitely a time of extremes. Stressed to relaxed. Busy to bored. Happy to sad. But we are definitely looking forward to the adventure that lies ahead! Our next post will be from North Carolina!

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